Filtration Group is on a mission to make the world safer, healthier and more productive by providing mission-critical filtration solutions that are designed to enable advanced healthcare capabilities, provide clean air, and drive productivity
Our Culture

We say what we do and we do what we say. We meet our commitments and we are committed to operating with ethics and integrity.

Bias For Action
We control outcomes through our actions. We are bold and ambitious, and we inject speed and velocity into everything we do.

We have an owner’s mindset. We will focus on what’s best for our customers and our people over the longterm. We are creative and unwilling to accept that there is not a better way.

Inclusion and Belonging
At Filtration Group, you belong. At Filtration Group, our strength lies in our differences. Our business is stronger and can make the world safer, healthier and more productive when we create an equitable, inclusive culture that encourages our authentic selves. Our actions cultivate a global workplace that is truly diverse, enabling us to continue to build a remarkable future.
Our Mission
Together, we are making the world safer, healthier and more productive.
Filtration Group Leadership
A team of entrepreneurial leaders, on a mission to build a truly remarkable company and make the world safer, healthier and more productive.

Careers At Filtration Group
We are engineers, scientists, designers, inventors and problem solvers. We are community leaders, moms and dads, athletes, artists, dancers, musicians and so much more. Above all, we are committed to our mission. We care about our environment and one another. We are motivated to make our world safer, healthier and more productive.
Code of Conduct & Ethics
Our Business Code of Conduct and Ethics is the cornerstone of our collective journey to being remarkable! We are committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest ethical standards. Maintaining these standards has never been more important than in today’s competitive and rapidly changing global business climate, and we are committed to ensuring that our company consistently demonstrates a reputation for integrity.
Our Business Code of Conduct and Ethics applies worldwide to all employees of Filtration Group Corporation, inclusive of Filtration Group controlled affiliates/subsidiaries, as well as all suppliers, contractors and temporary employees.

Global Presence.
Endless Capabilities
Entrepreneurial businesses, united by a common culture and a mission to make the world safer, healthier and more productive. Our goal is to solve important challenges by providing filtration solutions across a broad spectrum of applications and end-markets, including life sciences, indoor air quality and industrial technologies.